2025 Reef Rover Beach Club Policies
1.) All members must be residents of The Villages, whether full time or seasonal.
2.) Membership dues are $10 per calendar year and are due by September 30th each year for the following year. Checks payable to: Reef Rovers Beach Club.
3.) To remain a current member in the RRBC a member must have taken a beach trip within the calendar year. Membership renewal will be in the month of September each year. If a member has not participated in a beach trip during the year his/her membership will be deleted. The Executive Committee is not required to notify members who have been deleted from the club.
4.) All club members are required to sign, date and turn in a Reef Rovers Liability Waiver when they join, and annually each calendar year. A copy will be kept on file with RRBC.
5.) New - guests will be allowed after initial member registration. An email will be sent with a guest registration form and Liability Waiver if and when there are still seats available.
- a RRBC Member must accompany their guest
- Guest must be residents of TV with a Resident ID Card
- be at lease 30 years old (Villages requirement to use adult pools) and have a valid Villages Guest ID Card. Following TV requirements for guest passes, the guest cannot live in Lake, Marion or Sumter Co.
- Guest fee $40
- Guests will show ID when checking in for the bus
6.) October is new member recruitment. An email will be sent to current members to let them know there are openings with forms attached. You can forward that email to friends and neighbors who are interested in joining. A completed membership application, Waiver of Liability and a Check for $10.00 pp made out to: Reef Rovers Beach Club should be mailed to: Georgia Bailey, 2116 Barbosa Ct., The Villages. FL 32159. New members will be accepted on a first come first served basis for the amount of slots that are available.
We do not keep a wait list for membership.
1.) All club meetings/drop off will be held at Hibiscus Recreation Center, 1740 Bailey Trail, The Villages, unless otherwise communicated.
2.) A New Member Orientation meeting will be held in January to welcome new members, review policies and reveal beach trips. In addition, you can drop off trip registrations and membership renewals on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at Hibiscus Recreation Center during peak months. See the schedule under the Meetings tab.
4.) Members will be notified by email for upcoming meetings and beach trips.
RRBC Executive Committee
1.) An Executive Committee will manage and operate the RRBC and its activities.
2.) The Committee will determine its own organizational structure.
3.) Executive Committee meetings will be held as deemed necessary by Members of the Executive Committee.
RRBC Web Site
Our website is: www.reefrovers.com. The site is kept up to date with announcements of upcoming trips and meetings. Registration forms are attached to e-mails. Content of the website is determined and managed by the Executive Committee.
Trip Scheduling
1.) Trips are on the 4th Tuesday of the month Feb.- Oct. A possible November trip may be scheduled at the discretion of the Executive Committee. Please note that there are sometimes 5 Tuesdays in a month. We are the 4th Tuesday except for November.
2.) An email announcing the newest beach trip will be sent to the entire club each month for the following month, i.e., in January the February trip will be announced. In February we will announce March’s trip etc. The information will also be posted on the website. The announcement will include the beach location, how to sign up and other information about the location that may be of interest to the membership.
Do not make checks out to an individual.
Length of Trips
Trips are usually 10-12 hours in length depending on the location of the trip.
1.) Members may drop off their registration for the February Beach Trip before the New Member Orientation in January. They may also be dropped off at Hibiscus Rec. Center from 6-7:00 pm on the second Wednesday of the month in February, March, April, May, September and October to the Reef Rovers Committee present. Do not drop your reservation off to front desk staff. Registrations may also be mailed or dropped off at Linda Nagy's home unless otherwise notified that the drop off box may not be available when Linda is away. The address is on the form. If you are mailing do it quickly. Trips fill fast and the mail can be very slow and sometimes lost in space.
2.) Registrations will be accepted until the trip is full.
3.) A reservation form will be included in the email announcement.
4.) Cost of the beach trip is $35 unless otherwise noted. Fees are subject to change and based on length of trip, distance traveled, fuel costs, parking fees, etc.
5.) When registering fill out beach trip form and include your check made out to:
REEF ROVERS BEACH CLUB. Do not make your check out to an individual. The bank will not cash it and you may jeopardize your seat on the bus. If your check is written from a bank not in the U.S. we may be charged a service fee. The fee will be reimbursed to the RRBC when that occurs. If a check is returned for lack of funds members will reimburse RRBC for the amount of the check and any bank fees incurred. Mail in or drop off to: Linda Nagy, the address is on the registration form.
6.) Check the website ON THE BUS section for confirmation of your registration. This will be updated weekly prior to the trip.
Reservations will not be accepted verbally or by email or text. All reservations must include payment and a registration form.
Wait list
1.) A wait list for each trip will be established when all bus seats are sold. Wait listed members must have paid the trip fee to be on the wait list. If a cancellation is received, wait listed members will be moved to the confirmed reservation list in the order they were received.
2.) If the wait listed members do not get a confirmed seat on the bus for the current trip, their check will be shredded by the RRBC Treasurer.
Cancellation Policy
1.) A request for cancellation may be made up to the Wednesday prior to the trip. This means we must receive your request by the Wednesday evening prior to the date of the beach trip. Cancellations must be made by email to: [email protected]. Your check will be shredded if:
a.) we are able to fill your seat(s) with someone on our wait list. The canceling party's check will be shredded if their seat is filled. Persons paying in cash will be given a credit toward a future beach trip. No cash refunds will be given.
b.) OR, if we have no one on our wait list, the canceling party has the option of finding someone to take their place. The canceling party must notify the club at: [email protected] of who the replacement will be. It is up to the two parties to settle the trip fee between them. No credit or cash payment will be made. Replacements must be current members of the RRBC.
3.) No shows will not be issued a credit or refund. It is your obligation to let us know you are not attending. The bus is waiting for you to arrive. We will start calling if you are not there by 8:00 am. You may jeopardize your membership if you do not inform us.
Extreme Weather/Beach Cancellation Policy
1.) If the RRBC Executive Committee feels certain that the scheduled trip may be affected by bad weather or by adverse beach conditions or travel conditions, they may change the location to another safer and more favorable beach locale for that day. An email will be sent to all confirmed members as soon as the decision to change locations has been made.
2.) Weather or beach conditions may also dictate the need to end a beach trip earlier than planned. The decision to leave the beach early will be made by the Executive Committee members present that day. All members must comply with the decision to leave the beach earlier than planned.
3.) In rare cases a beach trip might need to be cancelled entirely due to bad weather (hurricanes, or severe storms). In that case all confirmed participants on that trip will be notified by email and given a credit towards a future trip.
4.) No cash refunds will be made.
Charter Bus Policies
1.) Participants are requested to use the same seat for the entire trip.
2.) Bus accommodations and amenities may differ but usually include:
Other Policies
1.) Common sense and courtesy to others is expected at all times.
2.) For the comfort of our members, no smoking will be permitted within 100 ft of the group at all times.
3.) Although moderate consumption of alcohol will be permitted, drunkenness will not be tolerated.
4.) Cell phone courtesy while riding on the bus:
6.) Other policies may be adopted as our experiences indicate are necessary.
7.). Common courtesy is expected at all times. If you have a dispute with a fellow passenger and cannot resolve it, please bring it to the attention of one of the Committee members. A dispute should never escalate to shouting or worse and could result in membership loss.
The Reef Rovers Beach Club and its Executive Committee members accept no liability whatsoever in the operation or management of the RRBC or its road trips.
Suggestions for additions or modifications to any of the above policies from members will be welcomed and carefully considered by the Executive Committee.
Succession Planning
In order for the Reef Rovers to remain relevant we need volunteers. If you are interested in helping with the management of this lifestyle group please let a Committee member know or send an email to:
[email protected]
Current committee members include: Judy Ellertson, Georgia Bailey, Linda Nagy, Linda Kates-Cropf and Colette Weber.
Updated January 7, 2025.
1.) All members must be residents of The Villages, whether full time or seasonal.
2.) Membership dues are $10 per calendar year and are due by September 30th each year for the following year. Checks payable to: Reef Rovers Beach Club.
3.) To remain a current member in the RRBC a member must have taken a beach trip within the calendar year. Membership renewal will be in the month of September each year. If a member has not participated in a beach trip during the year his/her membership will be deleted. The Executive Committee is not required to notify members who have been deleted from the club.
4.) All club members are required to sign, date and turn in a Reef Rovers Liability Waiver when they join, and annually each calendar year. A copy will be kept on file with RRBC.
5.) New - guests will be allowed after initial member registration. An email will be sent with a guest registration form and Liability Waiver if and when there are still seats available.
- a RRBC Member must accompany their guest
- Guest must be residents of TV with a Resident ID Card
- be at lease 30 years old (Villages requirement to use adult pools) and have a valid Villages Guest ID Card. Following TV requirements for guest passes, the guest cannot live in Lake, Marion or Sumter Co.
- Guest fee $40
- Guests will show ID when checking in for the bus
6.) October is new member recruitment. An email will be sent to current members to let them know there are openings with forms attached. You can forward that email to friends and neighbors who are interested in joining. A completed membership application, Waiver of Liability and a Check for $10.00 pp made out to: Reef Rovers Beach Club should be mailed to: Georgia Bailey, 2116 Barbosa Ct., The Villages. FL 32159. New members will be accepted on a first come first served basis for the amount of slots that are available.
We do not keep a wait list for membership.
1.) All club meetings/drop off will be held at Hibiscus Recreation Center, 1740 Bailey Trail, The Villages, unless otherwise communicated.
2.) A New Member Orientation meeting will be held in January to welcome new members, review policies and reveal beach trips. In addition, you can drop off trip registrations and membership renewals on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at Hibiscus Recreation Center during peak months. See the schedule under the Meetings tab.
4.) Members will be notified by email for upcoming meetings and beach trips.
RRBC Executive Committee
1.) An Executive Committee will manage and operate the RRBC and its activities.
2.) The Committee will determine its own organizational structure.
3.) Executive Committee meetings will be held as deemed necessary by Members of the Executive Committee.
RRBC Web Site
Our website is: www.reefrovers.com. The site is kept up to date with announcements of upcoming trips and meetings. Registration forms are attached to e-mails. Content of the website is determined and managed by the Executive Committee.
Trip Scheduling
1.) Trips are on the 4th Tuesday of the month Feb.- Oct. A possible November trip may be scheduled at the discretion of the Executive Committee. Please note that there are sometimes 5 Tuesdays in a month. We are the 4th Tuesday except for November.
2.) An email announcing the newest beach trip will be sent to the entire club each month for the following month, i.e., in January the February trip will be announced. In February we will announce March’s trip etc. The information will also be posted on the website. The announcement will include the beach location, how to sign up and other information about the location that may be of interest to the membership.
Do not make checks out to an individual.
Length of Trips
Trips are usually 10-12 hours in length depending on the location of the trip.
1.) Members may drop off their registration for the February Beach Trip before the New Member Orientation in January. They may also be dropped off at Hibiscus Rec. Center from 6-7:00 pm on the second Wednesday of the month in February, March, April, May, September and October to the Reef Rovers Committee present. Do not drop your reservation off to front desk staff. Registrations may also be mailed or dropped off at Linda Nagy's home unless otherwise notified that the drop off box may not be available when Linda is away. The address is on the form. If you are mailing do it quickly. Trips fill fast and the mail can be very slow and sometimes lost in space.
2.) Registrations will be accepted until the trip is full.
3.) A reservation form will be included in the email announcement.
4.) Cost of the beach trip is $35 unless otherwise noted. Fees are subject to change and based on length of trip, distance traveled, fuel costs, parking fees, etc.
5.) When registering fill out beach trip form and include your check made out to:
REEF ROVERS BEACH CLUB. Do not make your check out to an individual. The bank will not cash it and you may jeopardize your seat on the bus. If your check is written from a bank not in the U.S. we may be charged a service fee. The fee will be reimbursed to the RRBC when that occurs. If a check is returned for lack of funds members will reimburse RRBC for the amount of the check and any bank fees incurred. Mail in or drop off to: Linda Nagy, the address is on the registration form.
6.) Check the website ON THE BUS section for confirmation of your registration. This will be updated weekly prior to the trip.
Reservations will not be accepted verbally or by email or text. All reservations must include payment and a registration form.
Wait list
1.) A wait list for each trip will be established when all bus seats are sold. Wait listed members must have paid the trip fee to be on the wait list. If a cancellation is received, wait listed members will be moved to the confirmed reservation list in the order they were received.
2.) If the wait listed members do not get a confirmed seat on the bus for the current trip, their check will be shredded by the RRBC Treasurer.
Cancellation Policy
1.) A request for cancellation may be made up to the Wednesday prior to the trip. This means we must receive your request by the Wednesday evening prior to the date of the beach trip. Cancellations must be made by email to: [email protected]. Your check will be shredded if:
a.) we are able to fill your seat(s) with someone on our wait list. The canceling party's check will be shredded if their seat is filled. Persons paying in cash will be given a credit toward a future beach trip. No cash refunds will be given.
b.) OR, if we have no one on our wait list, the canceling party has the option of finding someone to take their place. The canceling party must notify the club at: [email protected] of who the replacement will be. It is up to the two parties to settle the trip fee between them. No credit or cash payment will be made. Replacements must be current members of the RRBC.
3.) No shows will not be issued a credit or refund. It is your obligation to let us know you are not attending. The bus is waiting for you to arrive. We will start calling if you are not there by 8:00 am. You may jeopardize your membership if you do not inform us.
Extreme Weather/Beach Cancellation Policy
1.) If the RRBC Executive Committee feels certain that the scheduled trip may be affected by bad weather or by adverse beach conditions or travel conditions, they may change the location to another safer and more favorable beach locale for that day. An email will be sent to all confirmed members as soon as the decision to change locations has been made.
2.) Weather or beach conditions may also dictate the need to end a beach trip earlier than planned. The decision to leave the beach early will be made by the Executive Committee members present that day. All members must comply with the decision to leave the beach earlier than planned.
3.) In rare cases a beach trip might need to be cancelled entirely due to bad weather (hurricanes, or severe storms). In that case all confirmed participants on that trip will be notified by email and given a credit towards a future trip.
4.) No cash refunds will be made.
Charter Bus Policies
1.) Participants are requested to use the same seat for the entire trip.
2.) Bus accommodations and amenities may differ but usually include:
- AC and heat
- Overhead seat lights
- Onboard bathroom
- DVD player and video system
- AC outlets for phone and I-pads (bring your own adapters)
- Overhead storage
- Under bus storage
- Wi-Fi
- 3.) Passengers may bring:
- Coolers (large coolers will be stored in the under bus storage)
- Food (no ice cream, pizza, nuts with shells, popcorn or chewing gum permitted on the bus)
- Beverages (no cans, glass or open containers) plastic containers with screw-top lids or reusable drink cups with lids are required for all beverages; alcohol is permitted onboard the bus
- Beach chairs and umbrellas
- Blankets and towels
- Pillows
- Travel bag or backpack
- Please label all personal items to avoid misunderstandings with members who have similar items.
Other Policies
1.) Common sense and courtesy to others is expected at all times.
2.) For the comfort of our members, no smoking will be permitted within 100 ft of the group at all times.
3.) Although moderate consumption of alcohol will be permitted, drunkenness will not be tolerated.
4.) Cell phone courtesy while riding on the bus:
- keep phones in silent mode
- no conversations on speaker phone
- keep your calls short unless you are texting
- 5.) If a movie is being shown keep conversations among seat mates low so others can enjoy the movie.
6.) Other policies may be adopted as our experiences indicate are necessary.
7.). Common courtesy is expected at all times. If you have a dispute with a fellow passenger and cannot resolve it, please bring it to the attention of one of the Committee members. A dispute should never escalate to shouting or worse and could result in membership loss.
The Reef Rovers Beach Club and its Executive Committee members accept no liability whatsoever in the operation or management of the RRBC or its road trips.
Suggestions for additions or modifications to any of the above policies from members will be welcomed and carefully considered by the Executive Committee.
Succession Planning
In order for the Reef Rovers to remain relevant we need volunteers. If you are interested in helping with the management of this lifestyle group please let a Committee member know or send an email to:
[email protected]
Current committee members include: Judy Ellertson, Georgia Bailey, Linda Nagy, Linda Kates-Cropf and Colette Weber.
Updated January 7, 2025.